Customer Testimonials

"Tim has made a really big difference to this garden" comment from a fellow gardener about a garden in Speldhurst
Peter  Autumn 2015

"Just to say that our garden is looking lovely by the way and that the spring bulbs that you planted for us are looking lovely, I 'm really enjoying them . Beautiful really love how this corner is looking"
Karen H Pembury June 2015

Hi Tim,
Just a quick note to say thank you again for your design and planting. We've had the most striking orange tulips out for a couple of weeks now and the clematis at the front is starting to flower. The chives and alliums are opening and the rosemary has beautiful blue flowers. It is such a pleasure to see it all growing and changing! We get a lot of admiring comments from visitors and neighbours. 
Jane      Tunbridge Wells  April 15

"Thank you so much for the lovely job you made of my garden, I am thrilled with it"
  Midge Botten, Sept 2013

"It looks gr8, thank you 4 all your hard work. Thanks for fixing the gas meter box too!" Miss Alison Frances, Oct 2013

"Tim thank you for all your hard work today. I am so pleased with all you have done and it has taken a big pressure off me." Mrs R Hanes, Nov 2013

"Tim. I got a chance to look at the rockery this evening. Very nice. Looking a lot clearer and more under control, many thanks." Roy Patey, Dec 2013
Customer Testimonials
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